Hit by a car

Sorry I haven’t posted recently…a few weeks ago my friend and I were hit by a car when walking across a crosswalk. So needless to say, I’ve been a bit stressed and didn’t feel much like posting.

I haven’t been able to work out since the accident, since I was concussed and get very dizzy still. I want to start running again soon. I can feel my progress slipping away. And it doesn’t help that I’ve been stuck home on bed rest. I get very bored, and I’m a bored eater and a bored cooker. This means I will either eat a lot of fatty cheeses and things or I will make cookies and brownies and eat them.

To help motivate myself I made a photo, one of myself and then I photoshopped it to what I want to be. I’ll post it below. As you can see, I have made some progress from my original background photo, but it’s still not what I want to be.
